We came home and the kids ate a quick lunch and then Lem, me and Aidan took a nap while Laney and Max watched the movie Hook! It was nice and relaxing. Now, my wonderful husband is grilling up some flank steak for tacos tonight! Yum! I am so excited about that!
I still can't believe that school is over! I am so happy about not having to rush around in the mornings to get them off to school and the best is that there is no homework! :-) I am still trying to find Elena and Max a fun summer class or sport that they can do. I think I have worked out a little math tutoring for Elena this summer. The secretary in relief society is a math teacher and she is doing some tutoring this summer. I know Laney will be so excited about that! :o) Math is her least favorite thing to do, but in order for her to be ready for 4th grade, she needs to do better in math. So if anyone knows any great math games or ideas for learning multiplication and division, I am all ears!
Salsa and tacos are calling my name! Wish you were here! ;)
Tacos and Salsa are calling my name too. Wish I were there...
Your CA Adventureland pics were great! It looks like a fun time, wish we could have been there with you. Gosh, Elena is just as beautiful as her momma.
I just got the memo about the blog. A little slow I guess. I miss you all. Aidan is getting so big! All your babies are beautiful. Glad things are going so well. Oh... I loved the minnie hat! You rock.
Hey Jess,
Haven't talked with you in a bit so I thought I'd leave a quick hello here for you. All is well here, we're still a bit cool outside, but enjoying it. Rebekah has swimming this morning and then I'll see if I can get you called. Adah was a bit fussy yesterday, so it jsut didn't work for getting anything done. I miss you!
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