We had such an amazing time on our vacation to Utah. We stayed for 2 weeks and loved every minute of it. I'm sure the Reeve family is glad to have their house back and less commotion! We are so grateful they let us take over their place while we were there. It couldn't have been a better way to spend the time. Although, we needed a few more days as there were still friends we didn't get to see. :( Next time for sure!
I have lots of pictures to share and heaps of info so bare with me as I recap all the activities we did.
We left July 6th to head to St. George to stay with my sister Rachel and her family. I figured it would be better for the kids and my sanity if we broke the trip into two days. We left Monday morning after Rae left for work. We arrived to Friday's Station in Eagle Mountain at about 12:30 to my good friends hanging up balloons and a poster that said "Welcome Jessi and Kids!" I got there a little earlier than they planned so they made me drive around the block before I headed down the street. We pulled into the Reeve's driveway to more balloon, a big luau tablecloth, leis and another sign that said, "You Made it" posted on the garage door.
Later that evening we headed to Cafe Rio for dinner. It was so yummy! It was one stop I just had to make and "the girls" were gracious enough to indulge me! We laughed even more about everything and anything and some things my girlfriend Michelle probably wouldn't want me to post! ;) We had a great time!
The next morning we headed to Kahea's for her banana pancake breakfast, which has become a tradition in Friday's Station! They are always so good. Afterwards we headed to the pool for the day! It was a gorgeous day and the kids were in heaven. So much so that we stayed for 5 hours!
Whitney Reeve, Maddie Johnson, Elena, and Haley Reeve
Max going off the diving board!
Alexis Reeve and Elena chillin' in the pool!
After 5 hours in the pool the kids were exhausted. We had dinner and then put in a movie for the kids and they all crashed. I went to mutual to see the young women! That was pretty entertaining to walk into the church and see the young women's' and bishopric's faces! They were all shocked! It was great to see them!
Wednesday was game day! We made guacamole, sausage dip, spinach dip and had other snacks. We played games all day and sat and visited! We played a mean round of Settlers of Catan and another game I can't remember. Throughout the day, we had friends and kids coming and going! It was a full houseful. I think at one point we had 8 moms and 26 kids at Melinda's! It was amazing!
Thursday was a fun day! We started off the day with an early morning temple session. We made it to the 6:00 a.m. session. Shocking for me I know, since I don't usually get up before 7 ever. We had to be up by 4:45 so we could be ready and have everyone picked up by 5:15 so we had time to get there. It was such a nice time to be able to go with such close friends.
After this we headed home so husbands could get to work and we could get to the rest of our day. We were throwing a surprise 30th birthday party for Melinda. I had called her hubby a week or two in advance to let him know about it so he was in on the fun as well. I kept making excuses why the other ladies couldn't join us and so Melinda thought it was just her and I heading to Happy Sumo for lunch! (Another one of my requested stops while in Utah. This is my favorite sushi joint!) We pulled in and I had the camera all ready. We had made reservations and everyone was in place. She was so surprised. It was so much fun! The meal was great and the company was even better. What would I do without this amazing bunch of ladies? I hope to never find out. After lunch, we headed through the shops for bit before most had to head back to relieve babysitters.
Katie, Kahea, Melinda, me and Michelle
Once we were done window shopping we headed to Costco. This trip was a little longer than normal, about 2 hours, since I ran into my old coworkers and friends there. It was great to see them and catch up on news.
Friday was another day at the pool. Although, this time we only stayed 3 hours instead of 5! It was still a great time though. My kids would swim all day long if allowed, as long as there are snacks!
Saturday was Melinda's birthday so I offered to watch all the kids so her and her hubby could have some time to themselves. After their day out, we went to the drive-in to see "Wall-E." I don't recommend the movie. I thought it was kind of boring. The kids didn't really like it either. Although, maybe this was because they were so busy talking and chowing on treats to really pay attention.
Sunday was so fun! We went to church and it was great to see our old ward members and bishopric! We had quite a few double takes!
The next week just seemed to fly by! Monday was spent shopping for shoes for Aidan, lunch at Rumbi's, helping Katie pack for her vacation, and spending quality time with friends.
Tuesday we spent the morning doing laundry and then cleaning the house. After that we hit the pool for the afternoon.
Wednesday we headed out early to do some school shopping. Melinda and I took the older girls and Aidan while Max stayed to play with Morgan; he doesn't really care to much for shopping. I found some adorable shoes for Aidan. We hit lunch at Panda Express and then headed to the spa to get glitter toes done. After that we went to let the girls check out "Justice" (a shop for girls) so Elena could spend some of her allowance. Then we headed back up to the Ranches to relax and let the kids play for a bit before we left for the airport to pick up Lemuel.
We picked him up that evening and then went to a restaurant the kids love to go to called Zupas for dinner. They have the best tomato soup and the kids devour it. It was great to have Lemuel there. We really missed him not being with us. After dinner we spent the evening with the Reeve's. Thursday we did some grocery shopping and then more laundry. Lemuel had a tennis match scheduled with one of his old playing buddies so we headed to Provo to drop him off then went to meet Kristen and her boys at the park to play. The afternoon passed too quickly and before we knew it, it was time to leave and get Lemuel and then head to Michelle's for dinner. She had made tiger rolls, which are one of our favorite meals! We ate delicious food and sat and talked for awhile. So great to be back in the neighborhood, but so hard to look across the street to see our old house and know we couldn't just run home when we were done.
The 12 days passed so quickly. I am so glad we had the opportunity to see most everyone and for the amazing ladies that I have in my life. You have all made such a great impact on me and have been such great examples of true friends. I know that we really will be friends forever. Cheesy? Maybe, but I am very lucky to have good friends in my life. I know I can count on to be there for me whenever I need them.
Friday was spent cleaning again, packing, trying to find everything and get ready for our family reunion that night. In between all of that, I was able to get my hair cut by another great friend. Which turned out great and an added bonus, Aidan fell asleep while I was there, so he got in a nap that day! :)
Later that afternoon we said our goodbyes again, which weren't as sad this time because I know I will see them again, and then headed to the mountains for our reunion! I will post more on that later as I have heaps of photos to add!
I'm super jealous, Jess!!! Sounds like so much fun. Man, Friday's Station is a great place!
Sounds like you had a lot of fun! I love the family picture you have posted at the top of your blog. Your kids are just so beautiful! You and Lemuel haven't changed a bit! It's nice to see that some things stay the same! :)
Wish that I could have seen you. It looks like you kept plenty busy and had way to much fun. Next time we can plan it so we have our Rexburg friends BBQ when you come. I love your family photo. TOO CUTE!
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