Thanks Kris for the tag! ;)
1. Where did you meet your husband? I met Lemuel at the reading/writing center at BYU-Hawaii. He saw my picture on the wall and signed up for a tutoring appointment with me! He followed me everywhere from then on out! ;)
2. How long did you date before you married? 8 months of dating and 3 months of engagement.
3. How long have you been married? Ten years! I still can't believe it has been that long.
4. What does he do that surprises you? Whenever I call him on the phone, he always answers with "hey goodlooking!" even when there are people around! It makes me smile everytime he does it! :-)
5. What is his favorite feature? of mine? Good question, I guess it would have to be my eyes and my cheekbones. Those are the ones he comments on often.
6. What is your favorite quality of his? His desire to follow Heavenly Father and his hardwork ethic
7. Does he have a nickname for you? Jessi, mi amor,
8. What is his favorite food? Korean food or Japanese food.
9. What is his favorite sport? Tennis all the way! Through and through! As most of you know.
10. When & where was your first kiss? It was on Hukilau beach, but I don't know the exact date
11. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? dinner and movies. We love to go to the movies
12. Do you have any children? sure do, 3 amazing kids
13. Does he have any hidden talents? he is a great artist. He can draw almost anything.
14. How old is he? 35
15. Who said I love you first? he did!
16. What is his favorite music? 80's rock
17. What do you admire most about him? how hard he works to provide a good life for his family and his
18. What is his favorite color? blue
19. Will he read this? Probably not.
20. Who do you tag? Stephanie, Amy, Jenn, Rachel and Kimi!
me Jenn? ok, off to do it:)
Your blog looks awesome! So fun to read about other people! You guys are too cute!
once we get some of it more done I am going to take some pics :) I want documented what we've done but I wasn't very good at getting before pictures!
Hey I just spent some time catching up on your blog. Your kids are so cute and so OLD!
I forgot to tell you that I really like the picture of you and Aidan that you put at the top of your blog!
I didn't know that Lemuel could draw! That is cool. So I will try to get mine done soon.
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