Tuesday, October 14, 2008


It has been a pretty horrible couple of days. Friday I wasn't feeling to hot; body aches and pain in my chest. By Saturday I was down with the head cold ( I think). Sunday wasn't any better and was now coughing up junk. Monday was feeling a little better, still pretty weak and achy. I tried to get some stuff done around the house and then was wiped out. By 8:30 I was miserable. Horrible headache that nothing would take away and was also nauseated. Finally vomited and tried to sleep with the horrible headache. Around 1 in the morning, Aidan was coughing so hard he was dry heaving. Then about 3 am I awoke to Max coughing like a seal right next to my bed complaining of a sore throat. Needless to say, not much fun! And to top it all off, we have our big super Saturday this weekend and I am still trying to collect money and get everything needed for that! UUUUUGGGHHH!. So sorry I haven't been blogging lately but I have been a little tied up. Hopefully tomorrow will be a little better.


Jen said...

Yikes! Today, I'm just feeling better after 5 days of a cold that I thought was pretty bad until I just read your blog. I hope you are all feeling better soon!
Good luck with your super saturday!

Bev Richins said...

Jes!!!! I miss you! I know I have been a horrible friend, I have just been so busy!! I hope you are feeling better... XOXOXO

Rachel said...

I am sorry that you have been sick. Did you pass it to me? Ever since we got back from our trip I have progressively felt worse. I hope my family doesn't get it too... I will be thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry you are so sick. Where are your friends to help? Oh right. They all live in Utah!!!!! I hope you are feeling better. I am working on my second cold in 3 weeks. It is really hard to run when you feel like your head is going to explode. But I would rather have a headache than deal with me throwing up and 2 sick kids. Sorry Jess. I miss you tons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!